Breakfasts from around the world
WATCH: Breakfasts from around the world.
TALK: What did you have for breakfast this morning? Is anyone in your bubble eating breakfast now that didn't use to? Is anyone not eating breakfast? Did you have any of the foods that are mentioned in this video for breakfast? In your perfect imaginary breakfast world - are you a savoury or sweet breakfast person? What is the most delicious breakfast you could ever imagine having?
DO: Play the video again. How many countries have you heard of? Play the video again. How many of the foods have you tasted? Play the video again. Rank the breakfasts you think would be the most delicious to the least delicious?
United States 8/10
Japan 2/10
India 4/10
Germany 8/10
Vietnam 2/10
Brazil 7/10
United Kingdom 9/10
China 3 /10
IRAN 7/10
Italy 3/10
Egypt 3/10
KENYA 3/10
Sweden 9/10
Russia 9/10
Mexico 8/10
Australia 10/10
It looks like the UK, Sweden, Russia and Australia have the best looking breakfasts! I normally have Weetbix for breakfast, what do you have? Is there anyway you can stop your writing from going off the edge of the screen?