
Monday, 22 June 2020


The star cluster is visible to the naked eye from most parts of our planet and has many different names. In English, it is called the Pleiades (its ancient Greek name) or the Seven Sisters. The Hawaiian name is Makali‘i, or ‘eyes of royalty’, and in Japan it is Subaru, meaning ‘gathered together’. 
A cluster is a group of stars that are near each other in space. When seen from Earth, the stars in a constellation appear to be close together in a pattern, but they might actually be far from each other. There are about 500 stars in the Matariki cluster, but only six or seven are visible without a telescope.
Compared with other star clusters, Matariki is close to Earth – but it’s still 440 light years away. If you drove there in a car at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour, you would arrive in 4.8 billion years!

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Mahinga Kai

Mahinga Kai
 I have been reading a book about my Kai and it is about food and living of Natural Resources

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Nutritional information.

 We have to write about food, today I’m writing about reduced cream. All the ingredients.

 ingredients for reduced cream.  58% cream and the rest is skim, milk, water, milk, solids
and non-fat. The nutritional information. There are 216 calories of energy, Is 2.6 g of protein,
Total saturated fat is 36 grams, carbohydrates are 3.9 g, sugars is 3.9 g, sodium 42 mg 


To preserve meat using salt.

Hypothesis:  It's going to taste your salty and
it's going to look disgusting. Tastes like a salty meatball 
I think the salt will (write your answer here) 

  1. Using Google, find ONE source of information that relates to your aim.
  2. Copy/Paste them here with the URL to where you found it.
  3. Fix up the formatting so it isn't too long.
Your biltong could have been left in the spices for too long.
or u put too much salt And all the herbs and spices that you probably use have some
sort of salt in it so with the herbs that you use which have salt in it and make the biltong salty 

Method:  Ingredients:
Put salty Meats on line hanging from ceiling 
  • Herbs and spices meat salt 
 particular venison or beef .

  •  Herbs and spices meat salt  and drying line 
 particular venison or beef .

  1.  Write out the step-by-step instructions
  2. Get all of your equipment. 
  3.  cut the meat Into 4cm wide strips. 
  4. Combine the salt You guys told me and sugar in a bowl .
  5. Sprinkle the sugar salt mix onto The top and the bottom of the meat.
  6. Hang up the meat on a line using a peg. 

  •  Write all of the things you saw, heard, felt…

Table of Results\

Day 1.. The salt has drawn all the moisture out of the meat. The colour of the meat has changed; it has got darker. The salt and the sugar that was all over the meat is now just in a few spots. The teacher has said that the meat may be ready in 2 more days. The bacteria were killed off by the salt.because the bacteria tried to eat the salt and dide

Friday, 12 June 2020


The thing that I thought was the most interesting was that  fizzy drinks have 16 to 20 teaspoons of sugar and if you drink lots of those each day you could get diabetes and you'll get a sugar high.