
Tuesday, 29 October 2019

how make a solar-powered oven.

Aim: To make a solar-powered oven.

  1. Materials: 
    1. Pizza box 
    2. Tinfoil
    3. Glad wrap
    4. Straw 
    5. scissors
    6. Ruler
    7. Black plastic
    1. Cut out the flap of the pizza bow so that it is5 cm around the edge.
    2. Sellotape some tinfoil on the side of the flap.
    3. Sellotape some glad wrap so that the hole you have cut out on the pizza box lid is covered over with glad wrap.
    4. Put a piece of black plastic on the inside of the pizza box on the bottom.
    5. Scrunch up 4 newspaper to make a square that is surrounding the black plastic.
    6. Sellotape a straw under the flap and on the pizza lip so the flap is opens
    7. Put the marshmallow on top of the biscuit, place it on the plastic plate and put is in the solar oven.
    8. Put is in the sun to Cook.

    it cooks the food

    my holiday's

    In the holiday's I went to the BMX cark and hang out with my finds and my way home fall off my bike and drock my bike.
    when I got home reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! bilt my bike. the end
    because I do not have to Explain my personal life to all of you that is my life, not your's

    Friday, 27 September 2019

    safety equipment

    Hi my name is Hunter I didn't get to see the safety equipment that the teachers are showed us that I have to write 10 safety equipment and a science lab that I thought of.

    1. No bags and a laboratory because they could get contaminated and a laboratory because they could get Contaminated

    You need safety goggles for when your handling acid or something that Can harm your eyes 

    3. You need gloves for when you're handling acid in the laboratory in case you drop in and arrange your skin 

    4. You need hard shoes in case someone drops glass or acid on to your feet 

    5. You need a brush and shovel in case you break things 

    6. You need a first aid kit and case you cut your hand 

    7.  you need a fire extinguisher if you are doing an experiment with fire 

    8. You need a fire blanket to smother the fire if you can't put it out with the fire extinguisher 

    9. Lab cote in case you spill acid and it gets on your school uniform or close 

    10. You need some tables for experiments so they don't they're not lying on the grass 

    What do you think is the most important safety Features 

    Wednesday, 25 September 2019

    new buildings

    This week we moved into our amazing new learning spaces .
    The new building we whet into the new building it Looked ...

    Into the new building, I saw a whole bunch of cheers and empty stuff it Looked a ber.
    It was exciting.

    When I walked into the new buildings I thought it was amazing I
    don't like it because I was used to the older buildings .

    I walked into the new buildings found an eerie, Vibe and I did not like the fight
    so I just stayed with the pack ,and talk to everyone and listen to the teacher talking .

    My conclusion is that now there I've been in the new buildings for 2 days now I kind of like it but it's still got an area Vibe

    Friday, 13 September 2019

    Aim: To find out which colour attracts the suns heat.

    Hypothesis: black because I know black atas het 


    1.  paper
    2.  cup x3
    3.  tinfoil x2
    4.  black  plastic x2


    1.   get 3 cups 
    2.  pot 1 cup on paper 
    3.  pot 1cup on plastic and rap cup in place
    4.  pot 1 cup on tinfoil and wrap in tinfoil
    5. and get a heat lamp.


    Cup 1
    Cup 2
    Cup 3


    we are going an x permit  about heat  about wot get most heat tinfoil black plastic or styrofoam cup


    Solar Energy


    To find out which colour attracts the suns heat.


    black because I know black atas het 


    1. paper
    2.  cup x3
    3.  tinfoil x2
    4.  black  plastic x2
      5 timer    


    1.   get 3 cups 
    2.  pot 1 cup on paper 
    3.  pot 1cup on plastic and rap cup in place
    4.  pot 1 cup on tinfoil and wrap in tinfoil
    5. and get a heat lamp.




    In conclusion, my findings in this experiment State that...
    the black attached most heat. The first and third Cup did, the exact same but on, Opposite times and the second cup dead the best at 18 Degrees , the whole time.

    solar panels of black because attracts most heat.
    the experiment the best it was fun.

    Monday, 9 September 2019

    Ella West visited

    Ella West visited us today She talked to us about the books that she wrote, Night vision , Rainfall & 1 series.

    Here are some of the facts that Learnt about Ella West.

    1. Ella West lives in Dunedin 2. she lives on a farm 3.And she has a dog named Jim

    1.  Night vision is about a child watch as a genetic disorder called EXP.2 she put in her dog named Jim.

    1. A dark-coloured raincoat, the arms spread wide, floating, hood-first down the river. Fifteen-year-old Annie needs to get to her basketball match, but the police have cordoned off her road.

    Things that are joined about Ella West coming to our school is that she said we can make up our person dies and our story and she is a nice person

    “O nnnnooo! Bob no sit boy y do u have tow tose noooooooooooooo!.”

    “Now I'm in my dog stomach I don't want to kill my dog but I guess I have to if you're I want to survive.”

     he pulls the knife out of his pocket and stab that street into his dog and cut a hole Big enough for him to fit out of .

    “I'm getting out of here one way or another.”

    he climbs out of the dog and falls into water.

     how do I get to the water oh no there's a shark !

    He just gets away on to the beach the shark quickly backs off
     he walks and walks telly find civilians  

    Water order do you have any water please I need  water

    The civilians give me a cup of water they also take them to the hospital.

    “Where am I”. “ you're in the medical ward you've got three broken bones  and you'll be having surgery tonight.”
    Am I allowed food because I'm starving?  

    No you're having an operation in 2 hours

    Friday, 6 September 2019

    This is a water experiment that we did last week about the water cycle 


    Water Cycle 


    To make a water cycle to see what happens


    Experiment 1
    1x A big ziplock bag
    1x A vivid
    1 Drop Blue food colouring
    1/4 cup Coldwater
    2x double-sided tape
    1x A jug
    Experiment 2
    • Baking soda
    •  Water
    • Large Ziploc bag
    •  double side 
    • Litmus paper


    Experiment 1
     1) get a big ziplock bag and write your team names or your name on top
    Draw a water cycle on one side of the bag so it can fill up the whole bag
    1. Unzip the ziplock bag
    2. Get a jug and add water in it 
    3. Carefully put ¼ cup of water inside the ziplock bag
    4. Add 1 drop of blue food colouring inside with the water
    5. Close up the ziplock bag
    6. Get your   tape and put 1 of the tape on the bottom of the bag and then put the other piece of tape on the top of the bag where you zip it up
    7. Stick the bag onto a clear window were the widow gets a lot of sun.

    Experiment 2 
    1. Get your large Ziploc bag And fill it up to three-quarters of the way

    2. And put the baking soda on and quickly put the litmus paper on the top of the ziplock bag and seal it shut so the litmus paper stays in place 

    3. And then put the double-sided tape on the top and the bottom and stick it onto the sunniest place in your house 


    Experiment 1
    I think it will carbonate and do the water cycle.
    Experiment 2
    I think the carbonated water will just do the water cycle normally 

    The Water Cycle: Bag 1
    CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
    Desert Water Cycle
    Bag 3
    Does it cycle?
    Amount of Water

    the 1st bag look no different than when we put it up the 2nd bag did the most

    the natural water cycle did normal droplets.
    the water cycle with acid did the most droplets

    Wednesday, 28 August 2019


    I tack a wheelbarrow full of suf and I tock it to the sip.

    I'm  just going to get some food  from bk in the potato salad or get a good  sleep 

    If you can find some bug's we got to play  with it

    Monday, 26 August 2019

    in my group is Zac, Amanda, Dominique

    are I am a director  Dominique  is drorer  Amanda is camer man Zac is director it.

    are move is Godzilla saving a child

    Wednesday, 21 August 2019

    Today we parted beetroot in a veggie mix in the garden and we did some weeding and I smash the table It was funny I also had to pick up the wood afterwards and putting it in the woodpile for ready for it to burn and I ate a potato. I did nothing.

    Monday, 19 August 2019

    Learning Conference

    this is wot we have to do 

    My dad  thought I did well in my Work he is Proud of me
    We talk about our learning and my behaviour it was funny talking about what I did in class and my blog posts hi I am very proud of myself 

    Friday, 16 August 2019

    gaming addiction is real

    Hello my name is Hunter and for digital tech, I made a game about gaming addiction and good things and bad things about gaming 

    Here is a link to my research template.

    I love digital tech because we get to make games and learn about things that like issues of over ethical issues social issues or environmental issues the one-bed thing is trying to finish your work in time which is hard but I get it done.